Posts by Tomas

Friday Facts #75 - False hopes

Posted by Tomas on 2015-02-27

Hi everyone, today we had a bit of misunderstanding about who will write the regular update so we are coming with the news later than usual. But it is still Friday here (around 10 pm) so still it can be called the Friday Facts :)

Friday Facts #74 - The brainstorming

Posted by Tomas on 2015-02-20

Hello, the days here in Prague are getting longer so the afternoons (and evenings) in the office are becoming less and less depressive. We have been working with a good consistent effort for the past week and the results are IMHO there.

Friday Facts #72 - Back to the cold

Posted by Tomas on 2015-02-06

Hi everyone, Two months went pass like that and I am back from south India to the winterish Prague. I had a great time full of Yoga, relaxation, new experiences and of course occasional remote work on Factorio over frustratingly bad internet connection. Now my (and whole teams) focus is clear: stabilize the multiplayer, finish the endgame content and prepare the game for Steam release.

Friday Facts #65 - Hello from India

Posted by Tomas on 2014-12-19

Hello everyone, so this is a bit of a guest post to regular progress reports on Factorio development. As indicated before I have gone to Mysore, India for a 2-month Yoga study session. It has been three weeks since I have arrived here. I will sum up my observations and feelings in today's Friday Facts.

Friday Facts #61 - Into India

Posted by Tomas on 2014-11-21

Hi there, we spent quite some time at the GDSession last weekend. The conference was fun, but a bit tiring. I think we are not used to meet many new people at the same time anymore. And there were tons of new people:) The talks were unsurprising but we enjoyed chatting to small indie studios sharing similar challenges we do. And they had great cakes for refreshement:)

Friday Facts #60 - Tests all around

Posted by Tomas on 2014-11-14

Hey guys, here comes the weekly dose of Factorio-world information for you. We have crafted it just before we leave for a gdsession warm-up party. Gdsession is quite a big game development conference here in Prague. This is the first year we are going to participate. And actually tonight we will have a short (10 minutes) talk about what we do (well, about Factorio obviously).

Friday Facts #59 - The new office

Posted by Tomas on 2014-11-07

Hi folks, a big portion of the past week has been spent with the non-development stuff, mainly related to us moving to a new place. Apart from that we have been putting our breath together to deal with the biggest ever list of bugs so far.

Friday Facts #58 - It is here

Posted by Tomas on 2014-10-31

Ladies (hopefully some) and Gentlemen, the 0.11.0 with first version of the Multiplayer has been released. The multiplayer experience is expected to be really buggy (as we learned today during a test with 4 players), but it is a first step. Oddly enough, our efforts haven't escaped the attention of a local newspaper which made an article about us - see the picture below.

Friday Facts #57 - One week left

Posted by Tomas on 2014-10-24

Good afternoon everyone, We have commited to releasing the 0.11.0 on 31st of October 2014. That is next Friday. If all goes well, this will be our Halloween present to the community. But there is a busy week ahead of us:) Apart from regular pre-release craziness, doing significant refactorings the day before or fixing bugs at the last minute, there will be more. On Wednesday we have scheduled moving to our new office and on Friday morning (yes that is the release day) we will be giving a presentation at a local university about the project. We gave the same presentation about a year ago when it was not exactly clear whether / how long will we be able to continue working on Factorio. That has definitely changed for better, especially considering we are moving out of "our garage" (our apartment used as a working place), looking for people to work with us and doing other sorts of longer term commitments.

Friday Facts #55 - MP preview

Posted by Tomas on 2014-10-10

Good evening everyone, we have spent the week doing various stuff. Playing and testing the multiplayer game, working on some promised features (yes, talking about the tank) and also sorting out administrative issues. In the end we have signed an agreement to rent a place in the Prague city center so since this week we officially have an office space. The place is still empty but we are already looking for furniture and computer equipment to turn an ordinary looking flat it into a true Factorio HQ.